Chemical detector tubes from different manufacturers work on the same principle and they use similar or same sensing chemicals for detecting the target gas concentration. However the physical dimensions of the tubes and the pump design-draw the required 100 ml of sample air varies from manufacturer-manufacturer.
Gas Detector Tube
More than 200 different Gas Detection Tubes are available-accurately make spot measurements for over 500 gases and vapours.
Gas detector tubes provide a simple measurement technique-detect toxic gas concentration in air samples. The tubes are pre-calibrated and take only a few minutes-complete sampling. The concentration is read directly from the length of color stain.
- Highly specific-target gas
- Simple device
- No requirement of complicated accessories
- No requirement of specialist-operate
- It is pre-calibrated and reads directly the target gas concentration
- Available for most of the industrial toxic gases and chemical vapours
It is useful for the air monitoring at work place & confined space in Industries like:
- Petrochemical & Refineries
- Pharmaceutical
- Chemical & Fertilizer
- Fumigation
- Food Industry
- Pulp & Paper Mills Industries
- Power & Steel Plants
- Municipal Corporations
- Environmental monitoring agencies and many more