We offer a full range of high-quality firefighting foams of both synthetic and protein base. Go through our products categories to find the correct product to protect your application.
- Low Expansion Foam
- Medium Expansion Foam
- High Expansion Foam
Also chose the most suitable type of foam:
- Aqueous Film Forming Foam Concentrate ‘AFFF’
- Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Film Forming Foam ‘AR-AFFF’
- Fluoro-Protein Foam Concentrate ‘FP’
- Film Forming Fluoro-Protein Foam Concentrate ‘FFFP’
- High Expansion Foam Concentrate
- Class “A” Foam Concentrate
Finally chose the missing rate that would be compatible with your equipment and applications:
Mixing Rate or Proportioning Rate (correct amount of foam concentrate to be mixed with water): Normal figures shown are 1%, 2%, 3% or 6% or a combination of 1% and 3%, 3% and 3%, or 3% and 6%.
For further assistance in selecting product do not hesitate to contact us.